Dr. Langer Medical GmbH is a subsidiary of Brainlab AG.
Headquarters of Brainlab
Olof-Palme-Straße 9
81829 München
We refer to the Brainlab Compliance website.
Brainlab is committed to high ethical standards and aims to prevent criminal conduct like corruption, fraud, misstatements of financial transactions, abuse of market power and intellectual property, or theft. Therefore, we have an Integrity & Compliance Program which is addressing legal requirements as well as supporting internal guidelines, procedures and values.
Our Integrity & Compliance Program supports and protects Brainlab AG, its affiliates and their respective employees in their decisions and actions in challenging ethical situations and shall also promote correct and compliant behavior in order to avoid mistakes and sanctions. Compliance within Brainlab is the basis for all business related activities and is closely linked to one of the company’s core values, Integrity.